- The Colorado Muslim Society is proud to announce that we have leased a facility at the Dayton Shopping Mall across the the street from the masjid. The facility will be opening soon as a Thrift/Retail store. We appreciate your support and pray Allah subhana wa ta’ala allows this to be a blessing to our community.
- We are in need of your contributions and articles for our newsletter.
- The roof and air conditioning will be repaired or replaced. We ask for you patience.
- CMS Women’s Committee announces the start of a Sister’s Sewing class starting September 4th, 2016. For registration forms please come to the CMS Office.
- There is a CMS Day Care Center that will be open every Friday from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm for your children in Room #8 in the CMS School area on the First Level.
- Afia Restaurant will be selling lunch after Jumuah prayers.
- We would like to inform you that the new kiosk credit card machine is there to accept your donations for your convenience.
Friday Announcements (August 12, 2016)