As-salalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters.
First and foremost, I thank Allaah, subhanahu wa ta’ala for the pleasure of serving as the president of Colorado Muslim Society CMS. As most of you know, I have been involved with masjid Abu Bakr for several years, and I have experienced rewarding with many pervious Imam’s, and administrative officers of CMS, and I am looking forward to working with the Shurah, and serving each of you, with your help, suggestions, and assistance in furthering creativity, productivity, and opportunities of Colorado Muslim Society CMS.
In just a very short time, we established over twenty committees for programs and projects for the benefits of our community, and have created plans to build a functional playground for the children, a junior-high school size basketball court, a nursery and center, remodel the ladies bathroom on the first level, establishing a fully functional library, all in addition to, repairing the Masjid roof and parking lot. Further, as the month of Ramadan approaches, you will notice ongoing repair, painting, and beautification of the Masjid.
To fully accomplish all of the tasks that lie ahead of us, we need volunteers in all areas of the committees working towards a bigger and better Colorado Muslim Society CMS.
Abdul-Maalik Saadiqi
President Colorado Muslim Society